TXD Fucker (also written as TXD Fuc*er) is a texture importer or exporter software specially for GTA San Andreas Android. It is used to extract (or export), import textures. TXD Fucker is used to open ".txt" files found inside "texdb" folder (GTA San Andreas Android). First of all the two ".obb" files (of GTA San Andreas Android) are extracted using winrar and then editing is made to ".txt" files (inside "texdb" folder). Only ".txt" files inside texdb folder can be opened with txd fucker. And inside those ".txt" files you can see all textures used/seen in GTA San Andreas Android.
TXD Fucker is different from TXD Workshop (which is used to edit textures in PC GTA San Andreas) in many ways. TXD workshop is used to open ".txd" files while TXD fucker is used to open ".txt" files.
Don't want to read this tutorial? Watch this video tutorial.
In this tutorial I will teach you:
• How to use TXD Fucker and how to make a mod for GTA SA Android.
This tutorial will teach you some basic use of txd fucker as well as some tips and tricks and important steps.
TXD fucker can not EDIT textures. It can only import/export textures for GTA SA Android
If you want to edit, make or port textures you need other softwares like photoshop, paint etc.
• PC is required in this tutorial
• Atleast 10Gb of free space is required in PC.
• Not every PC mod can be converted to Android.
• Atleast 10Gb of free space is required in PC.
• Not every PC mod can be converted to Android.
• You have to resize textures (in most cases) or it will make your game lag.
• TXD workshop is also required in this tutorial.
• We wil use TXD workshop to extract textures from PC. And then those (extracted) textures will be imported to GTA San Andreas Android.
• Photoshop is required in this tutorial.
• You should know some basics of photoshop. (please google/youtube for photoshop tutorials).
• You should know some basics of photoshop. (please google/youtube for photoshop tutorials).
• If you don't want to read this tutorial or if you are facing any issue please watch the video. The video tutorial is also by me.
Step I:
• Download TXD Fucker:
Download TXD Fucker
Download TXD Fucker {mirror link
Step I:
• Download TXD Fucker:
Download TXD Fucker
Download TXD Fucker {mirror link
• Download TXD Workshop:
Download TXD Workshop {from gtagarage.com
Step II:
• In this tutorial I am going to show you how can you make a new texture mod and use it in GTA San Andreas Android.
• First of all you have to configure GTA for modding.
• But before we proceed please BACKUP your game. To make backup simply copy "com.rockstargames.gtasa" folder found in:
/Android/obb/com.rockstargames.gtasa <= This folder
And move it to your computer. MOVE IT IN A SAFE PLACE.
Also use "APK Extractor" app (download it from Playstore) to extract apk of your GTA San Andreas Android and then move it to your PC.
• After backing up data of GTA San Andreas Android we will now setup GTA for modding. For this make a New Folder any where in your PC (but make sure you have atleast 6Gb of free space).
• Now use WinRar to extract ".obb" files. These ".obb" files are GTA San Andreas Android's data file which can be found in:
/Android/obb/com.rockstargames.gtasa/ <inside this folder, there will be these two ".obb" files
• Now use Winrar to extract those two ".obb" files one by one but in same folder.
• I have extracted my ".obb" files to:
My Computer/Local Disk (F:)/GTA/GTA SA Android/ <here>
![]() |
I have extracted those two ".obb" data files in this location. |
![]() |
You can disable that bad startup logo of TXD Fucker by going to Options>>Disable Startup Logo |
• First of all download and install Adobe Photoshop. I am using "Adobe Photoshop CC 2014".
• Now download TXD Fucker and TXD Workshop. (Download link above)
• Now make a new folder "TOOLS" inside "GTA" folder. And extract/move TXD Fucker and TXD Workshop to this folder. See this picture if you can't understand me:
• You have successfully configures GTA SA Android for modding. Now its time to make a mod for GTA SA Android.
• In this tutorial I am going to make a NEW SNIPER CROSSHAIR MOD. A cross hair mod is shown below:
• Run TXD Fucker and go to File>>Open.
• It will ask you to select a file which you want to open. Now we have to open a texture cache file (.txt). These texture cache files are inside "texdb" folder and "texdb" folder is present where we extracted the two ".obb" files.
• So go to the location where you extracted the two ".obb" files then go "texdb" folder from there go to "gta3" folder and select "gta3.txt" file.
• Open it and you will see a lot of textures.
• Now go to Edit>>Find and search for "SNIPERcrosshair" texture. See screenshot below:
• Now click on Export and choose the location where you want to extract this texture.
• Now you need Photoshop.
• There are lots of method to make a new texture but I am telling you the easy method (which I use and is much easy).
• Now make your new cross hair or download any cross hair image from google images.
• As you can see the cross hair I liked is not transparent (it has black background). So we will make it transparent with Photoshop.
• So open it in photoshop and remove the background with "Magic Eraser Tool".
• And then go to File>>Save As>> FROM NEW WINDOW CHOOSE ".PNG" FORMAT AND THEN CLICK SAVE. see screenshot below:
• After saving as .png open it in photoshop.
• Also open the extacted texture (SNIPERcrosshair) which we extracted with TXD Fucker. It will open in new tab inside photoshop.
• Now you have two cross hairs. One is the original cross hair which we extracted with TXD Fucker, and the other is the image which we want as new cross hair (downloaded from Google Images).
• Now open the downloaded cross hair tab in photoshop.
• Press Ctrl+A and then Ctrl+C. It will copy the cross hair.
• Now open the extracted cross hair tab in photoshop.
• Press Ctrl+V.
• Now you will see your downloaded sniper cross hair is pasted above extracted sniper cross hair.
• Now move the new scope on top of original scope and resize it. To resize press Ctrl+T and use mouse to resize it to original scope size.
• After resizing delete the original scope layer (from layers panel).
• Now you will see that new scope is present!
• You can edit the scope if you want to...
• After editing is complete go to layers panel (bottom right position of photoshop). Right click any layer and select "Merge Visible" option.
• You have successfully made a sniper cross hair mod!
• Now save it as ".png" but make sure you don't change its name.
• Open TXD Fucker and open "txd.txt" file.
• Click Import (with alpha) option and choose this crosshair.
• After importing is done close TXD Fucker.
• Copy "txd" folder from:
/Location where you extracted your obb files/texdb/ <here>
• And paste it to your phone's:
/Android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa/files/texdb/ <here> {create a new texdb folder of not present
• You are done!!!
• Now run the game and enjoy the mod! :)
You can make more mods by following this guide.
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